Boando Chieftaincy Saga



The Chieftaincy Saga in Boando, a village in the Buea Municipality may soon be a thing of the past.

This follows a letter adreesed to one of the contenders to the throne,Prince Vekima Mosima Adalbert, fondly called President Obama in the Boando Community.

The letter from the former Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation, now Territorial Administration, a copy of which The Advocate Proccurerd, said inter alia that             “ Following your correspondences addred to me on October 12 2017, in relation to te subject captioned supra, I have the honour to inform you that your file has been transmitted to the Senior Divisional Oficer for Fako”

It should be noted that Prince Vekima Mosima had also pettitioned the Ministry  on the non-execution of MINATD orders of July 24 2015 and 14 June 2016 by the Fako Administration.

In his letter he faulted the former SDO, Zang III for recognising Mr Mwasife Micheal Bbenda as 3rd Class Chief of Boando.

Peince Vekima called for a halt in the imminent istallation of the above person, which according to him was huridly slated for August 5, 2017.

Woth noting is that, following his letter, MINATD authorities halted the instllation of Mr Mwasife Micheal.

On the sidelines of this, Mola Matute John Njonje, a senior King Maker of Boando and retired Secretary Generla of Municiapal Councils, said “ Chieftaincy in Boando is heriditory from Father to son, Prince Vekima Adalbert, is the rightfull sucessor to the throne of his ranfather, the last gazzeted Boando Chief of May 18 1968, HRH Chief Vekima Kake Adalbert II as confirmed by the Divisional Officer for Buea in a corrspondence letter on 10 March 2005 from his late father Peter Mosima Kekima who was incapacitated”




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