Dr. Tarh Martha Ako Addresses Issues of FGM on International Day Of Zero Tolerance To Female Genital Mutilation

On 06th February, 2021 the world remembers the victims and practitioners of FGM and the role of governments and other stakeholders in ending this hideous practice.

FGM is a global issue and there are girls and women living with FGM in all regions of the world. FGM is a great violation of the human rights of women and girls and has no medical justification.

There is an urgent need for change in our approach to this practice that renders women hopeless and mere sex objects or baby making machines. There is a need to boost efforts to eliminate FGM and to provide the best healthcare services to victims.

Governments should identify FGM victims and treat them effectively. This role is not only limited to governments but also to practising communities, families, victims and perpetrators, the medical corp and other stakeholders. Everyone has a role to play.

Women's sexual and reproduction health is a priority. Healthcare professionals have also been accused of promoting FGM in practising communities. Many girls may lose their lives in these practising communities because of bad laws that must be respected by local authorities and inhabitants.

FGM is violence against women and girls. It is an extreme form of discrimination and gender inequality. The rights of women to sexual reproductive healthcare must be respected. The world cannot be silent or turn a blind eye to the needs of FGM victims who continuously suffer from severe health complications. Many of these complications are invisible and may be life-long. Some of these complications include high rate of depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental health challenges, barrenness, life-long aches and pains. FGM damages the anatomy of girls and distorts female sexual function.

The health complications of FGM on women's sexuality and sexual health should not be ignored. There is need to end gender based violence and all traditional practices that affect the health of women and girls. There should be global efforts in eliminating all harmful practices that reduce women and girls to objects of ridicule.

 Governments should provide high quality healthcare for girls and women living with psychological and physical effects of FGM. National action plans, networks should empower communities to campaign against FGM since local communities find it challenging to revisit the practice.

Women should be empowered to freely and comfortably discuss their sexuality and sexual health issues.



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