Youth Born In Anglophone Crisis Stronghold In Troubled Waters
By Ojong Joseph Ojong In Mamfe Since the twist in the Anglophone Crisis in 2016, children who were born or grew up in the Anglophone Crisis strongholds have been in trouble waters as they face constant arrests, arbitrary detention, threats and other human rights abuses. Some of these localities whose youths, especially makes are suspected as separatists or secessionists include, Mamfe, Malende, Kwa Kwa, Muyuka, Kumba, Bamenda, Bali and Kumbo. Once ever they are stopped at security check points and present their National Identification papers which bear their place of birth, they become suspects and are looked upon as such. A recent case is that of Mudiki Leonard Eyong who was born in Muyuka but grew up in Mamfe, another Anglophone Crisis stronghold where the first military agent was killed prior to the escalation of the Crisis. Sometime in April 2022, while was travelling in a bus from Yaounde he was asked to step down when he presented his Identification papers and was...