Invasion Ikiliwindi- Bafaw Leaves One Dead, Houses Razed
By Epey John Reports of an invasion in Ikiliwindi- Bafaw by uniform men have left one person dead and over ten houses razed. The human causality on that fateful May 1, we are told happens to be an aged woman whose name we got as Joanna Malike. She was helpless in her house when it was set ablaze amongst others, suspected to be hideouts of some separatist’s fighters. Community members and those who witnessed the scenes from afar reveal that Ma Joanna Malike was faced with trouble on double sides. That security forces believes that her granddaughter leaving abroad is supporting the separatist’s fighters with funding on the one hand and on the other hand, separatist fighters have threatened the Late Ma Joanna Malike severally requesting her to ask her granddaughter residing abroad to support them in what they termed, the struggle. We are informed that sometime in February 2022 a group of separatists fighters had stormed the old woman’s house, molesting her before taking aw...