Arlette Ngoulla Fotso And Her Manifesto For Batonnier

I have carefully considered, for a new candidacy for the Council of the Order and the Bâtonnat after those of 2015 and 2018 and with the encouragement of many of you, taking into account my 10 years of experience (should I 'to hide?) to the Councils of the Order (2008 – 2018) led by:



NGNIE KAMGA Jackson Francis

I have recourse to your votes again. This is an ambition which, far from being personal, is a call from the heart to safeguard our profession in the process of losing its sacred values.

It is for you, dear sisters, dear colleagues, dear friends, for us that I am nourished by this ambition.

The ambition of a senior who has received and who has the duty to give.

The ambition of a great Bar,

The ambition to rediscover the pride of being a LAWYER

The ambition to improve the conditions of professional practice of the LAWYER,

The ambition to align our bar with international standards

Convinced that only action will allow us to overcome the difficulties, it is up to us Lawyers to know how to value our assets and reinvent our profession.

For this, some suggestions:

To allow us to evolve, we will need a modern, strong order with great ambitions. The Order must be the engine of change.

LAWYERS do not adapt to renting, the Lawyer must be at home and feel at home. (Isn't it said that a small home is better than a big one elsewhere)

Also, I undertake with you to build the headquarters of the order in Yaoundé on the land subject to land title n ° 115 of the department of MFOUNDI with an area of 2036 m2 belonging to the Order of Lawyers at the Bar of Cameroon represented at the time by Mr. SAMA Francis ASANGA.

This futuristic seat will be equipped with all modern conveniences. The laying of the first stone will take place by the grace of God no later than January 2023

Lawyers' insurance coverage, which was a pipe dream, has become a reality under the name "ACTIVA AVOCARE" since August 2021 and will be taken over by the Cameroon Bar.

The scope is expected to evolve to cover other risks (professional civil liability, vehicles and offices).

The overall premium for lawyers who are up to date with their dues will be paid by the Cameroon Bar Association, which will levy a quota per lawyer.

The revision of the texts on the organization of our profession to adapt to the current context.

The finalization of the establishment of the Institute of Judicial Studies (School of Law).

The necessary organization of the aptitude test for the legal traineeship.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt that problems related to:

Monopoly, Contributions, Fees,

At CARPA, To ethics, In continuing education, To transparency and To Communications,

Difficulties in exercising that can be resolved administratively,

Judicial delays and dysfunctions of justice,

The daily concerns of LAWYERS will find a solution

The list of my projects is not exhaustive, the members of the Council of the Order who will be elected will of course support certain points of their program and we will advise, we will find answers without failing; I have the firm conviction and determination.

However, to accomplish these reforms, these conquests, these modernizations, we must draw our strength from the tremendous opportunities that surround us and which are just waiting to be seized.

 Our bar is rich in its diversity, its intelligence, its competence and its extraordinary youth. It is time to act to prevent disappointment, and to commit ourselves to make the daily life of every lawyer and to be able to proclaim that we are all proud to be LAWYERS. All of this requires courage, energy and conviction.

 I say it, we must be a force, conquering and courageous.

The incessant attacks on our profession must stop and I will be absolutely intransigent in this regard.

We must put an end to defensive positions, overcome the reluctance that limits us and once again become leading civic and economic actors.

We must be partners in justice, in the daily life of our fellow citizens and actors in business development. But these changes can only be achieved with your support and commitment by my side.


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