CAMP Donates To Protect Journalists Covering COVID-19

By Francis Tim MBOM

The Cameroon Association of Media Professionals, CAMP, has began the free  donation to media houses of assistance aimed to help these organs protect their Journalists as they go out to cover and report on the deathly COVID-19 pandemic.
The novel Covid-19 pandemic that has killed thousands of people across the globe does not discriminate and has not spared even the Journalists covering and reporting on it. Everybody is a potential victim.

And given that the Journalists must be at the frontlines to cover and report factually on the disease, the National President of CAMP, Tarhyang  Enowbikah Tabe, said his NGO thought it wise that it will be of utmost imperative for the Journalists who have been helping to report and sensitize the public to help them stay safe from this disease to equally not die from the disease.

It is based on the above that in partnership with another local NGO, Favour Low cost Health Foundation, CAMP, on Thursday, April 16, began the distribution of hand sanitizers, wash hand points, gloves, face masks and others to four media houses in Limbe.

"Journalists are like soldiers who must go out to the war front when there is war. Therefore, it is very important for us to protect ourselves," Kwi Bangsi, Manger of Ocean City Radio said.

"We want to thank CAMP immensely for what they have given us,” Kwi added.
The CEO of the Sun Newspaper, Norbert Wasso Binde, sounded very appreciative to CAMP. "I really want to appreciate CAMP for this offer. You can always count on The Sun as a partner of CAMP."

Tarhyang, joined by the Vice President of CAMP, Ms Baiye Frida, then offered the anti-COVID -19 items as Mr Wasso and his staff led by Noella Besong, Acting Editor and others received their face masks and sanitizers.
The Eden Media Group that hosts Eden Radio and Eden Newspaper was CAMP's next stop.

"I lack words to express our gratitude to this kind of benevolent gesture coming from CAMP," Chief Zachee Nzohngandembou, CEO of the Eden Media Group, said.

Chief Nzohngandembou, who is also the CEO of CESUD, an environmental NGO, appreciated the development strides that CAMP, as he said, in its very short span, has already accomplished as a development prone NGO.

"I encourage you to stay on to succeed. Development work is meant for those who sincerely see that there is a need to do something to help the society." 
CAMP's President went to indicate the assistance they were dishing out were products donated by their partners.

He promised that as more of the items come in, they will proceed to add as well as donate to other media organs in Buea and other towns where Journalist are covering and sensitizing the public on how to stay safe or from the spread of the deathly pandemic.

Ms Charlotte Ngweh, CAMP's Health expert and a Health Science Masters student, used the occasion to further explain how best the Journalist can put on their gears in order to better protect themselves when they go out on COVID- 19 assignments.


  1. We immensely thank you for this laudable initiative and pray that rewards your efforts in Combatting the Pandemic.


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