Bamenda II Council Poised To Improve Revenue Collection

By Anye Nde Nsoh

The Bamenda II council under the stewardship of Mayor Chenwi Peter has held a Council session on Wednesday July 22, 2020 to evaluate work done within six months in office.

The council has been moved top Old town due to the sociopolitical unrest in its original location.

As a result of Insecurity in the city of Bamenda, revenue collections have not been at its best.

Tax evasion has taken the lead, which makes it slow for the council to realize its projects.

 Projects such as road constructions have faced so many setbacks due to attacks.
The council will function on a budget of FCFA 731,850,321. The current financial execution of the council stands at FCFA 120,850,321 representing 8.2% in relative terms.

While addressing the councilors, the Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam Simon Emile Mooh congratulated the new Councillors and urged them to improve revenue collection which stands at 47%.

“I sincerely appreciate the efforts of these new councillors for a job well done within these six months in office. I have discovered these councillors though very young, work with a lot of discipline. The” SDO for Mezam said.

“But I want to encourage you all to put more efforts in terms of revenue collection. Bamenda City is a cosmopolitan city, the heart of our economic activities with the main market, all the banks and micro finances. So you have to maximize this.” He added.

Chenwi Peter, Mayor to the Bamenda II council says security and lack of equipment are the greatest challenge in executing projects.

“Our greatest problem is security challenges, but we have derived a formula to use quarter heads. Because of security challenges there are certain areas we cannot penetrate so the quarter heads come in to help since they know the areas well. We also lack equipment like graders, front head loaders, truths, which have actually slowed down the road construction project.” The Mayor said.

To solve this problem the Mayor plans on going in for these heavy equipment, to facilitate work and generate income.

“We want to go in for these equipment so that we can accomplish our road maintenance work and also rent them to generate some income for the council.”Noted the Mayor.


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