Travelers Stranded At Mamfe Motor Park

By Ojong Joseph Ojong In Mamfe

Huge number of travelers are stranded at the Mamfe Motor Park following a decision by the Manyu Professional Drivers Union to declare today a Non Working Day.
The Union is accusing one of its former presidents of siphoning money and using the union funds to run a private agency.
The matter is pending in court and will be heard today at the Mamfe court of first instance.
In view of this, the president had therefore given an order for no movement across the Division.
This decision was arrived at during their last meeting which held at the union office at mile two park Mamfe.
This decision has therefore affected travelers across the Division willing to go to Ekok, Bamenda, and Kumba.
It is expected that work will resume tomorrow depending on the outcome of the hearing in court today.
We keep you posted.


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