CPDM Fako IA Prays For God’s Intervention Against COVID-19

By Mbonda Lizzy Noel

Prayers for indefinite blessing in Cameroon against COVID-19, peace, unity, economic stability and success of students, pupils and teachers’ welfare marked the highlight of the ecumenical service that brought together a college of clergy on Wednesday May 20, 2020 in Limbe.

The ecumenical service was organized by the CPDM under the supervision of the party Fako Division permanent delegation.

The CPDM Fako I A Section President, Motanga Andrew Monjimba who doubles as the City Mayor of the Limbe City Council, said the ecumenical service was organized to pray to God to come to the help of Cameroon at this difficult time when the country and the rest of the world is threaten by the deadly Coronavirus pandemic.

Motanga Andrew Monjimba added that it is important to come together and pray against COVID-19, peace, unity of the nation and living together.

Motanga pointed out that the ecumenical service was not in celebration of the 48 edition of the National Unity day but to pray to God together to help fight against the COVID-19 and it's  harmful effects on the people of Limbe and the Nation at large.

The college of clergy mounted the rostrum with multiple prayers during the ecumenical service included, Rev. Father Agustine Aunucam of Bota Catholic Church who prayed for National Unity and peace in Cameroon.

Mohammed Musthard emphasized on the economic crisis in Cameroon and protection against the destabilization of economy and that of the public which he said should abide by measures prescribed by the government to fight against COVID-19.

Other men of God prayed to God to save Cameroonians from the COVID-19. They also called on the people to respect and practice the measures by the government to remain save from the infection of the pandemic.

Fako SDO Engamba Emmanuel Ledoux, DO for Limbe I Acha Gilbert, City Mayor Motanga Andrew Monjimba, the interim Mayor Limbe I Sona Motomby among others were part of the event.


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